These pictures were taken in the early 1970's in Pietrasanta, Italy, during the ten year period spanning Dan Sinclair's stone carving apprenticeship and early career. They show a world now vanished. Pietrasanta is a town renowned for its marble quarries and fine stone carving since Roman times
Historic Reproduction Mantels, Bust from a Model by Frederick Hart, Carved Architectural Lettering, Commemorative Marble Plaque, Limestone Statue Restoration, Restoration of Historic Granite Fountain, Restoration Marble Statue, Monumental Bronzes, Full Scale Architectural Model, Carved Abstract Marble for the artist Steven Weiss, Life Sized Marble Bust, Marble Amphora Vase, Limestone Interior Fountain, Architectural Stone Lettering, Reproduction Exterior Capitals, Abstract Public Art, Architectural Lettering Neo-Gothic, Church Restoration Angel Heads, Palladian Limestone Fireplace Mantel, Architectural Ornament Swags, Reproduction Limestone Entryways